Thursday, December 31, 2009

Sands of Time and Shadows of Life.. !!!

I Keep looking beyond My tomorrow…

All are Mine...!!!!

Sands of Time runs smoothly through the hourglass
half full, half empty...But

All are Mine...!!!

I Keep looking beyond MY tomorrow…
The drifting sand in errant ways...
Mine path has steepened; 

I labor to climb..Sometimes Slip away..But
All are Mine...!!!

I Keep looking beyond MY tomorrow…
Sometimes wind shifted North...i was facing South
Pushing every inch at a time..But

All are Mine...!!!

I Keep looking beyond MY tomorrow…
Although Doubts pushing and pulling with equal force
one step forward two steps back...But

All are Mine...!!!

I Keep looking beyond MY tomorrow…  
Silence roars; temptation no longer calls...
A new day will obviously come...everyday
Bring life to the silence and the temptation will go on...Forever 
And they

All be Mine...!!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2k10 to all of you....!!!


Taken on 31st December 2009...Dundee seaside.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Begging to Save Me...!!!

In nature there is beauty.. 
In nature there is earth... 
In nature we find our worth..

In nature there is peace..

In nature there is calm..

In nature there is a lot to be seen...

In nature there is lot of life untold..
In nature everything is worth more than You and me...

Please save nature and save its Creatures.

Love nature...!!!


Taken on Seaside...Dundee, 26th December 2009

Unity will Strengthen Us...!!!

This pic is very near to me.
It will always tell me that...
Even if a unity of faith is not possible, a unity of love is.

This shows that one rare experience of a
moment at daybreak, when something in nature seems to reveal all consciousness, cannot be explained at noon. Yet it is part of the day's unity.

These four Swan have something very peculiar in them,they all look different from each other..but were always together.
I believe we learn truth from each other in this process.

This made me believe on something perfectly said:
'My best skill in this whole deal is as a conduit to try to bring people together, because I think it's in our unity that we'll have the greatest strength.'

Moreover in this Life, I do not conceive of any reality at all as without genuine unity, which is my belief.

Be in Love...Be United...Enjoy..!!!

Taken on seaside..Dundee...On 26th December 2009.

Friday, December 25, 2009

What Goes Up...Comes Down..!!!!

This is the Circle of Life...What Goes Up..Comes Down...Whatever goes Right has to meet the One on Left..Wherever You go..Whatever You Do..You can not run away from The Circle...You have to come to the same point..All Strings attached at one place..So Don't Worry and Don't Life to the Fullest...Enjoy the Ride...!!!!
Taken In Edinburgh 28th November'09 .

A festive Season...Happy Christmas..!!!

A Festival..brings Happiness and Joy..of our Desires..
Christmas is such a Festival..which edges us more closer to the beginning of a new Era..
Knocks at the New year...
An End for a New Beginning...
Resolutions to be followed..or may be new resolutions bracketed with old Ones...
Hope all your dreams Come true.
You bring to the society what was expected of you..


Taken in City Center , Dundee , Someday.

Flying for the...Moon

Thy shall not stop...
Thy shall not breath...
Thy shall not Sleep...
Thy Shall...not be Happy...
They shall always urge for an Inch more....
Thy shall always reach You...
Cos YOU....are One....I want to be With...!!!

Forever  Always..Will reach you anyhow..!!!

Cheers !!!! 

Taken in Allan Lane,Dundee..25th December 2009

Alone in the World of Desires...!!!

This woodwork shows me the loneliness of a man..Sitting alone..bitten by the desires of life..and whenever he cherishes...he has to just smile and think about the sporadic desires of his.

But he is happy...even in snow or rain...he is happy..!!!

Amongst all loneliness and his inevitable desires...he is just smiling a sit...  :)


Taken in Allan lane,Dundee..Someday

Colors Of Life..!!!

'Colors of Life'........shows the calmness of Dawn...Whether we consider this fact or not...
But always our lives are filled by
and all resemble the colors as in this pic.

With 'Hope' always there at every lamp post 

same as that of the pic gives us light and faith 
to move ahead in Life.

Cheers !!! 

Taken in Dundee...Seaside..Someday