Sunday, February 7, 2010

Only U...!!!

The merest look can send me falling
Your smallest word leaves me smiling
A whisper makes my knees go weak
Ah... what a cliched fantasy...

But sometimes it can happen
When I see you I just smile
No matter if I feel down or no.

Held in warm protective arms
I can't help, but lean into you
And everything disappears

And when I'm not there
I'm suddenly alone
My thoughts and esteem gradually falling
To where they were before...

Would you mind if I stared?
Would you mind if I just stayed in your arms forever?
Would you mind if I only wondered...
Why in the world am I the one?

Because no matter how much I believe your words
I doubt everything about myself
And all I believe is you...

I love you..!!!

Taken in City Centre..Dundee 07th February 2010

Thursday, February 4, 2010

First rays of the Morning....!!!

                                                   कभी कभी सोचता हूँ ...मैं क्या हूँ...?? ...
                       कौतुहल के वृक्ष की एक शाख हूँ ...ख्वाबों के सागर में सोई हुई एक नींद हूँ.....??
    नाराज़गी  का अफसाना  बयां  हूँ....या फिर कहकहों की दुनिया में खोया एक सुखा हुआ आंसूं हूँ...??
                                                   कभी कभी सोचता  हूँ...मैं क्या हूँ.. ???